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Why we are so small?

Scunthorpe, 25th July 2012


Promise that these two sons of mine may sit one at your right hand and the other at your left in your kingdom (Mt 20:20)

Jesus didn’t answer: Mom, go home!
Jesus didn’t say: Your request is silly!
Jesus didn’t imply that a good disciples should be the lowest of the low. 

To want to be great is not a sin.
To want to be great is not a lack of humility.
To want to be great is a human sign, a Christian mark and a challenge for all. 

So where was the problem?
Where IS the problem? 

Right aim – wrong means.
A wonderful destination – a blind alley.

The way to greatness is the only one.

Friends in high places?
Strong backing?
Hits and visitors?

The way to greatness is the only one.
The way of service.

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