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The key to happiness (15.08)

Louth, 15th August 2009


Dear Christians.
Today the whole church raises eyes from the daily troubles and looks at her, at Mary assumed into heaven.
Today all children on earth gaze at the holiest mother.
Today every baby stare at the womb that bore Jesus and at the breasts he sucked.
What for?
To what purpose? 

1. First of all, because we love her.
It is love for Mary, Mother of God, that forces us to fix eyes on her.
It is love for her, because she gave us Jesus Christ.
It is love for her, because she didn’t abort foetus even though she was young and unmarried.
It is love for her, because of Nazarteht, Bethlehem, swaddling clothes, a manger.
It is love for her, because the sword pierced her soul. 

2. We look at Mary, first of all, because we love her. But we look today at Mother of God to believe again.
To believe that our place is next to her.
God doesn’t forget about his relatives. In our body runs the same blood as in the body of Mother of God. The blood of the people redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Don’t be afraid! Your aim, destination, end is there, next to Mary assumed into heaven. Don’t be afraid. There are only 5, 10 maybe 50 years left, maybe one day.

3. But when we are looking at Mary, and we are impressed by her, Jesus reminds us:
“Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it”.
What does it mean? It means that we can be happier than mother of baby. Even she was the mother of God.
Today we look at Mary to remember the most essential truth:  “To hear the word of God and keep it” this is the key to happiness.
We can be sceptic. The people can be doubter.
But they can’t change the key to happiness. 

Mary, Mother of God. Today we are looking today at you.
Look at us, and give us the key to happiness.
The key to your kingdom. Amen

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