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Baby, do not be afraid! (15.08)

New York, 15th August 2007


My brothers and sisters!
The world is our home.
The church is a cradle.
Mary is our mother.
We are the children and like children we afraid of many things in this world.
Today in this solemn day, the day of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Holy Mother comes to us and says: „Baby! Do not be afraid!”

The first fear is the fear of evil.
Sometimes we cry:
„Mum, I’m afraid of Satan. He appear in the sky of my life, like a huge red dragon in the first reading. He is very intelligent – he has seven heads. He is very strong – he has ten horns – the symbol of power. He seems to be a king with a coronet. He stops in front of my life and he want to destroy Jesus, who is  born in my heart by Holy Baptism, by sincere Confession, by His Holy Body in the Sacrament of Altar. He want to destroy my husband, my wife, my children, my neighbour. He laughs at the people because they say: „Satan? Impossible! That  is only fable!”
Mum, I’m afraid of Satan who destroys my world.”
„Baby!” – says Mary – „do not be afraid of Satan!
God is stronger than Satan. In the first reading „the child was taken straight up to God and to his throne, while the woman escaped into the desert, where God had made a place of safety ready.”
Do not be afraid of the devil, but only be closer to Jesus!”

The second fear is the fear of death. We cry again:
„Mum, I’m afraid of death. I’m afraid of dying! I’m not sure, what will be after the death. I’m not sure, will I meet my family yet? will I meet my friends yet? I’m weak and I don’t want to suffer. Mum, I’m afraid of death.”
„Baby!” – says Mary –  „do no be afraid of the death!
Death came through one man but in the same way the resurrection of the dead has come through one man. Just as all men die in Adam, so all men will be brought to life in Christ: Christ as the first-fruits and then those who belong to him, who belong to him!
Do no be afraid of the death, but only be closer to Jesus because he is „the resurrection and the life. He who believes in him will live, even though he dies”. 

The third fear is the fear of people. We cry again:
„Mum! I’m afraid of people!
The world changes own face. The people become jealous, greedy, unfaithful, proud, arrogant, thinking only about money. I’m afraid of the people who I meet, with who I speak, with who I work!” 
„Baby!” – says Mary – „do not be afraid of the people!
Look at the Gospel. Perhaps not all people are so good as Elizabeth as Zechariah, but don’t forget: You must be good! You should be good! You must love! You should forgive!
„God look upon the lowly and exalt their.
The hungry God fills with good things.
He has come to the help of Israel.”
He will come to the help of you.
Your life may be is not easy but remember the word of the Lord:
„Do no be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.”

My brothers and sisters!
The world is our home.
The church is a cradle.
Mary is our Mother.
We are the children.
Today, when we are celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Lady, she says from heaven:
„Look at me! And do no be afraid.
My Son is with you always, to the end of time!”

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