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The Lord’s feet (Tue/27/II)

Jerusalem, Notre Dame, 10th Ocober 2006


It’s very difficult to sit beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak.
It’s very difficult because sometimes we don’t know where are the feet of the Lord.
It’s very difficult because we are not sure if this is really Jesus who speaks.

It’s easier to do a lot of things that are more specific, more visible, more tangible.
It’s easier to say the mass than to listen to the Lord.
It’s easier to read the reading than to listen to God.
It’s easier to clean the church than to listen to what I have to clean in my life.
It’s easier to prepare a lunch than to listen to what I should eat every day.

However, we are not the people who want to take life easy.
Let us think where are the feet of the Lord!
Let us listen to him!
Because this is the better part and it will not be taken from us.

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