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About law (Tue/2/I)

Jerusalem, Notre Dame, 15th January 2007



Today’s gospel gives two very important suggestions concerning the law.

It is not enough to say: it is lawful or it is unlawful.
It is not enough to say that the law is in effect or in binding.
The law should be first of all for man.
This is the first suggestion.
The Sabbath was made for the man, not man for the Sabbath.
If the law is inhuman or against man, this kind of law is not binding and nobody has to respect it.

But we can ask: What is good for man? How can we know that what is good for me is good for you?
So we need the second indication.
And Jesus says: “The Son of Man is lord even the Sabbath”.
If God is the lord of the law, we can sleep tranquilly.
The law should respect God.
This is the second suggestion.

If the law is not against man and not against God, this law is valid, binding and in effect.


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